Concept Bor plus

Concept Bor plus

boron 13% w/v

the crop

Add a sprinkle of sugar beet leaves – potatoes – peanuts
olive -fruit trees- the strawberry -Vegetables
Addition by irrigation water to all crops


1 – 1.5 liters / feddan
.81- liters / feddan
8.- 1 liter / feddan
5. liters / feddan
1 – 2 liters / feddan

How to use:

15 days before harvest
During spring and before flowering
During the white buds opening stage and the beginning of flowering
during vegetative growth and before flowering
2-1 treatments during the growing season

The benefits of the compound:

Fertilizer specialized in the treatment of symptoms of boron deficiency and problems resulting from its deficiency, such as hollow heart and brown heart in sugar beets and peanuts.
And potatoes…. etc.
– Fertilizer specialized in increasing the fullness of seeds, grains and tubers with starch and carbohydrates and proteins, thus improving the size and quality of the crop.
– Boron has a major role in reducing nitrates inside the plant and thus prevents their accumulation.
-Boron increases the porosity of the walls and thus increases the transfer of carbohydrates and sugars, as it plays the role of a carrier for sugar molecules and transport from one cell to another.

Agri Concept for Agricultural Investment