Two sprays are used: the first spray after 15 days of completing the growth, the second spray 21 days after the first spray
The first spraying when expelling the spikelets, the second spraying 10-15 days after the first spraying
The first spray when pouring the tubers (65-75 days from planting)
Two sprays are used: the first spray when flowering, the second spray 10-15 days after the first spray
Two sprays are used: the first spray when flowering, the second spray 10-15 days after the first spray
Two sprays are used: the first spray after the completion of the growth, the spray after 10-15 days of the first spray
spray solution concentration
spray solution concentration
2 cm/L2 cm/L15 cm / liter2 cm/L2 cm/L2 cm/L
Characteristics of Concept Zinc:
It works to increase the transfer rates of carbohydrates from leaves to grains and fruits.
– It is characterized by a high absorption speed in the case of foliar spraying.
– It improves the quality of the fruits and prevents the occurrence of deformities resulting from the defective pollination
and fertilization processes.
– It increases the number and weight of grains in the heads of Poaceae family plants such as wheat and rice, as well as the quantity and quality of the crop.
-It works to increase the percentage of sugars in the fruits, by containing the elements potassium and sulfur.
– Increases fruit coloration rates by activating gibberellin antibiotics.
– It increases the rates of pouring tubers in potatoes and also works to increase the amount of beet
crop and works to increase the percentage of sugar in the crop.
It works to increase the weight and size of fruits in all vegetable and fruit crops such as grapes, peaches, apricots, pears, as well as citrus fruits.