Deciduous trees are grapes- peaches, apricots – pomegranates – apples
Citrus fruits – mango – olives
greens (pepper – tomato – eggplant)
the banana
Tuberous crops and bulbs potatoes – onions – garlic – sugar beets
Ornamental plants and green spaces
Method and times of use:
It is added to irrigation water in February and March and can be used in unsuitable conditions at a rate of 3 liters / feddan
It is added at a rate of 2 liters / feddan with irrigation water in December and January, and it can also be used in unsuitable conditions
It is used for seedlings at a rate of 2 ml / liter of water. It is used as an injection with irrigation water at a rate of 2 liters / acre
It is added at a rate of 1.5 liters / feddan with irrigation water in December and January It can also be used in unsuitable conditions
It is added with irrigation water at a rate of 2-3 liters / acre after transplanting, and it is repeated once a month
It is used for seedlings at a rate of 2 ml / liter of water. It is used as an injection with irrigation water at a rate of 2.5 liters / feddan
Concept Root Properties
– Increases the root’s ability to absorb major and minor nutrients.
– Activates the growth of the root system after the treatment of root rot injuries.
– Works to increase the number of meristematic cells in the root system.
– Stimulates cell division and works on the formation of root hairs densely through48-72 hours of treatment.
– Contains a high percentage of stimulating amino acids for the root system.
– Contains indoles that stimulate the growth of the root system.
-Promotes plant resistance to unsuitable environmental conditions.
– A radical stimulator that works through a full spectrum of micro-nutrients, amino acids, vitamins and growth stimulants.